Not content with the fact that, at 94g/km, the V40 D2 has the lowest emissions of any current car in the premium lower medium sector, Volvo has upped the game even further.

The Swedish firm has announced a 6g/km cut for the V40, leaving it with a low of 88g/km.

You won’t be able to get hold of one until July, but save for anything with an electric drivetrain it’s about as clean a car as you can get in this sector.

Lower-CO2 models with conventional power do exist, such as the 87g/km Ford Focus Econetic, but with that exception you have to go smaller to get anywhere near this sort of level, so the Volvo is streets ahead of the competition in this respect.

Certainly in terms of any lower medium rivals with a premium badge on the bonnet, it’s in the lead by a heck of a long way. The rest of the Mercedes A-class, Audi A3 and BMW 1-series pack all currently trail it at a still far from dirty 99g/km or 98g/km from their most eco-friendly variants.

Our car is currently averaging an impressive 49.9mpg over its first four fills, as we settle into life with Volvo’s new baby.