As promised, I’ve been to a local garage, the W J King Suzuki dealership in Welling, Kent, to get the ‘Hill Hold disable’ message that periodically appears in the driver’s information display resolved.

While there I thought I’d raise a couple of other electronic issues that have been bothering me. Firstly, I’m regularly having to reconnect my phone to the car’s Bluetooth system, and secondly, I wanted to check the stop-start system was operating as it should given that it was working infrequently.

Due to the irregular nature of the hill-hold issue, it was just my luck that W J King weren’t able to replicate the problem. In a telephone conversation before collecting the car, I mentioned the cause was potentially related to a sensor on the clutch, and the dealer responded by saying it was not something they wanted to adjust arbitrarily in case that created a different problem.

However, when I went to pick up the car, they’d subsequently given the sensor a tweak, but, understandably, said there was no guarantee that would stop the message from reappearing.

Again, Bluetooth worked fine for the technician, while the garage concurred with Suzuki’s head office in stating that the functioning of the stop-start depended on a variety of conditions being met, so was probably operating as it should. Just to be sure, though,

W J King reset the electrics to clear any potential Bluetooth/stop-start bugs.
Unfortunately, since the visit, the hill-hold message is still appearing, but perhaps less frequently; the Bluetooth still isn’t connecting, but I’m putting that down to a compatibility issue with my cheap Samsung mobile; and the stop-start is working exactly as the dealer and Suzuki themselves have described, although it still doesn’t intervene as often as other systems I’ve tried.