Maybe it’s the type of driving I’ve been doing this summer, or maybe more insects have been feeling suicidal, but the front of the Mazda CX-7 has been looking particularly bug-encrusted of late.
Being slightly obsessive about car cleaning, and knowing that the CX-7 needs to be shining to look its best, it seems the most difficult part of washing the Mazda is removing the insect marks from the front.
I recently mentioned this on TWITTER, and was offered a host of suggested solutions, some more useful than others. One of the better ones came from a nice man at Autoglym, who recommended I try the firm’s Active Insect Remover, and to put his money (£6.99) where his mouth was he sent me a sample to try.
I can report that it doesn’t take away the need to use elbow grease, but it is much more effective at removing dried-on bug-splats than just using standard car shampoo.
Unfortunately it doesn’t stop more insects then hurling themselves at the car. My CX-7 (as the picture shows) now needs another wash and wipe as since its first de-bugging I’ve been on holiday to Scotland. But more on how the Mazda coped with that trip in my next report.