Following my same-day summer holiday scratchy scrapes with a French kerb and French bloke in an Astra, the Mazda 6 is back from the body shop sporting a whole new rear bumper.

The work, carried out B&P Accident Repair in Kent, cost £663 and we’re pleased to say the 6’s handsome looks have been fully restored. I promise to pay greater attention when reversing in the future, although we still can’t understand why it’s not possible to specify both wallet- and face-saving parking sensors with the Sport trim.

While on the subject of the rear, editor Tristan Young has rediscovered the rear seat folding mechanism, and says “it’s got to be the best in the business”. Why? Well, the seat simply drops down with one flick of the lever. This means that if, for example, you find yourself in a garden centre car park clutching a couple of 2.1m tree posts in one hand and the car keys in the other, as the boss regularly does, you can put the posts in the boot without having to faff around opening side doors or messing around with seat bases. A particular bonus if it’s raining.