Male drivers aged between 20 and 30 were the most likely to be banned from driving according to figures obtained by the Institute of Advanced Motorists under a freedom of information request.

Between July 2013 and June 2014, 92,136 people were disqualified from driving across the UK. Around two thirds are still disqualified. Of that, 31,668 males – or nearly a third of people banned during the period – were males aged between 20 and 30 compared to 4333 females aged between 20 and 30.

Twenty-five year olds have the most driving bans, with the split being 3748 males and just 454 females. Males also outnumber females when it comes to the overall total – during the period 13,481 females (less than 15% of the total) were disqualified.

“These statistics strongly reflect the research we have already carried out in this area – that young males are very much the at risk group when it comes to driving safety,” said Simon Best, chief executive of the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

“We believe targeting the attitudes of these drivers specifically, through advanced training for example, should be a major part of future road safety campaigning,” continued Best.  “Reducing offending in this age bracket would dramatically improve safety on our roads for all road users.”