Bristol is the latest city to consider introducing a Workplace Parking Levy, with reports suggesting a scheme could be introduced in 2016 to help fund improved bus services in the city, which has one of the worst congestion problems in the UK.

The Telegraph reported that proposals are being drawn up to be debated this spring, with a view to charging in excess of 10,000 city centre employees £1 per day to park in order to raise £27m towards what’s described as a “rapid bus transit” system.

The new bus network would involve constructing bus-only lanes away from the rest of the traffic, linking Bristol with South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.

Nottingham’s controversial and pioneering WPL goes live next month, with businesses that have 10 or more parking spaces charged £288 per space.

Edinburgh’s opposition Labour politicians have also shown an interest in introducing a scheme, while other cities are also rumoured to be considering their own WPL.