Parking restrictions could be introduced in a Nottinghamshire village following complaints about commuters parking on the streets since a workplace parking levy was introduced in April.

Double and single yellow lines and periods of restricted parking are reportedly being considered in Wilford, close to the city centre, after residents claimed people have begun parking on roads since the WPL’s arrival, blocking drives and pavements and increasing traffic.

A recent public meeting showed that many residents would favour a residents’ parking scheme, where only those with permits would be allowed to park on the street.

This latest furore follows news last month that employees at Nottingham-based company Imperial Tobacco had started industrial action against its employer’s decisions to pass on the cost of the city council’s levy.

Staff of companies passing on the charges are now parking on streets in the area to avoid this extra cost, believe residents in Wilford.

Councillor Jane Urquhart, Nottingham City Council’s portfolio holder for planning and transport, told the Nottingham Post: “There has been a small amount of displaced parking around the Wilford Lane area consisting of about 20 to 30 vehicles. We believe that it is employees of a local business that are parking on Wilford Lane.

“We have arranged a meeting with the business next week to discuss their situation and to offer parking management and travel planning advice and support to them.

“We are also surveying residents on the affected streets in Wilford to ask them if they would like the council to introduce new traffic regulation orders in their area to prevent any non-residential parking, and what type of restrictions they would prefer.”

The parking levy means any firm with more than 10 car parking spaces in the city has to pay £288 per spot.

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