The London Assembly transport committee has called on Transport for London to encourage the uptake of Workplace Parking Levies in order to reduce congestion in outer London.

Its report, ‘Stalling London’, recommended a number of measures to curb congestion – which is estimated to have cost the capital’s economy £5.5bn in the 2015/16 financial year, a rise of 30% over 2012/13.

Although the Assembly recommended the use of WPLs to reduce congestion, the committee said the parking levies would only work in outer London, as very few people commute by car into the centre and park at their workplace.

TfL currently has the powers to introduce these levies anywhere in London, but the report suggested that these schemes would work best at a London-wide, rather than borough-by-borough basis. However, the report also stated that the schemes should be piloted at a local level before being rolled out across the city.

At present, there’s just the one example active in the UK, in Nottingham, which charges employers with 10 parking spaces or more a fee of £375 per year per space. In its first three years of operation, it raised £25m.

However, the Assembly made clear that any revenue raised from WPLs would need to be re-invested into public transport options.

  • For an in-depth analysis of the report, see the 24 January issue of BusinessCar.