The Volvo V60 has been added to the company car fleet of floorcoverings distributor Headlam Group. 

After it joined the firm’s choice list, in Momentum spec, the model accounted for 20 out of 39 company cars chosen in Headlam’s first batch of renewals, and has accounted for five out of 12 since the start of April. 

Headlam corporate buyer Amy Furber said: “Volvo’s cars have been firm favourites on our fleet for higher grade employees for several years. But we wanted to offer the same reward to our essential users, most of whom are sales representatives doing considerable mileage around the UK.

“The V60 was the key to us achieving this goal. Working closely with our local Volvo retailer, Brindley Volvo in Wolverhampton, as well as the Volvo national business sales manager, we have created a solution that comfortably meets the BIK and tax requirements of our entry-level drivers and, just as significantly, supports them in doing their job – transporting heavy floorcovering samples to customers and sales prospects.” 

Headlam says the V60 met with approval from its HR and health and safety teams, and its emissions are in line with its environmental targets.

A demonstrator programme, including weekend test drives, was launched once it was added to the fleet, giving employees the chance to experience the car first-hand.

Furber said: “Because of the hours our sales representatives spend on the road, it is really important they make sure their choice of car is fit for purpose both professionally and personally. Having the opportunity to test drive the V60 over a weekend – and letting the family experience it too – is therefore invaluable. 

“Volvo offers incredible peace of mind for us as an employer, in terms of safety and duty of care, as well as enabling our drivers to achieve their personal aims of reducing their carbon footprint. 

“As importantly, Volvo is widely recognised by Headlam employees as a premium, aspirational brand, and the V60 is perceived as a significant step up from our offering to essential user drivers in the past.” 

Volvo national business sales manager Sarah Symcox said: “Headlam was keen to offer something new to its essential users, and we were keen to deliver. 

“By working closely together we created a solution that met the firm’s practical business needs as well as suited [its] employees personally. 

“And as Volvo was already compliant with WLTP requirements, we were able to deliver vehicles quicker than Headlam’s experiences with other manufacturers.”