Volume car manufacturers are providing higher levels of customer service to fleets than premium rivals, new research has suggested.

According to data from APD Global Research’s 2016 Voiceback 360 fleet driver survey, Mazda and Toyota provided the best service at 92%, while Kia rounded out the top three at 90.8%.

Automotive insight company APD tracks feedback from business customers that operate more than half a million vehicles to determine the results of its annual survey.

Jaguar (82.8%) and Mini (81.6%) were second-to-last and last respectively.

However, overall satisfaction levels have improved by 1.3% to a record level of 87.9% and for the first time drivers of volume brands rated their experience 4% higher than premium marques.

Jaguar didn’t fare any better when drivers were asked if they would recommend their leasing company or broker based on their car delivery experience, with just 28.4% of owners saying they would endorse the leasing company. This compares with a score of 88.0% for the best-rated manufacturer, Kia.

“The data reveals volume brands are consistently delivering better customer satisfaction at the point of vehicle delivery than their prestige rivals and as a result recommendation of these vehicles has risen significantly,” said APD Global Research CEO Rob Whalley.

Whalley added: “This is a fantastic result for volume manufacturers whose hard work and focus on customer care has clearly paid off, with some brands delivering the kind of service which had always been considered the preserve of the premium sector.

“The result demonstrates how customer service has fast become the key differentiator in a highly competitive market. The premium brands need to take note and up their game or risk losing market share to the volume sector as company car drivers and fleet managers place increasing emphasis on customer service when making fleet decisions.”