Tusker has experienced a strong response to a temporary business vehicle supply scheme, which it introduced in June.

Known as Stop Gap Cars, the programme sees the leasing firm supply drivers with vehicles to fill in the gap between orders and deliveries after they have signed up to its salary sacrifice scheme.

It was conceived as a result of long lead times for popular vehicles and was initially run on a regional trial basis but has since been rolled out nationally.

The firm now has over 60 cars designated for such usages, which are available for up to three months at a time. It promises to deliver the vehicles directly to the driver to avoid disturbing businesses.

Tusker’s CEO, David Hosking, said: “Drivers often have to wait lengthy periods for their new cars, due to circumstances completely beyond their and our control.

“Stop Gap cars do exactly what the name suggests. We have had a lot of drivers who have ordered a salary sacrifice car but have nothing to drive until the new car is delivered. This scheme means they can stay mobile while they wait for their new car to arrive.

“Based on the response levels received to date, I truly believe our Stop Gap fleet will continue to grow as it helps to make our drivers’ lives easier.”

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