Transport for London has set up a team of 40 officers to prevent examples of bad driving that can lead to traffic delays in the capital.

The new team, known as the Road and Transport Enforcement Officers, will be stationed at problem roads and roads to deal with issues that can cause delays, such as illegal stopping and unloading.

The team is expected to expand to 80 members by next spring, and will have access to real-time data while on the streets, highlighting problem hotspots.

TfL said the team will also have powers to direct traffic around congestion, and will be able move stopped vehicles, issue PCNs to illegally parked vehicles and clear roadworks.

TfL also said the unit will work with businesses along the routes to help improve the way they receive and manage deliveries, and give advice on re-timing or consolidation to reduce the impact of deliveries during peak times.

“This is one of a number of targeted actions we’re taking to tackle congestion and reduce delays on the roads,” said mayor of London, Boris Johnson.

“They will play a key role in tackling problems that lead to tailbacks and take a zero-tolerance approach towards inconsiderate or illegal behaviour that can cause unnecessary gridlock,” he added.

“This new team of officers is being deployed to actively solve the problems that cause delays for drivers and bus passengers,” said Leon Daniels, managing director of surface transport at TfL.

“These are often caused by inconsiderate behaviour, like illegal stopping or parking in bus lanes, and the new team will tackle this head on – adopting a zero tolerance approach to obstructions that cause congestion,” Daniels added.

The 10 key corridors that the Roads and Transport Enforcement Officers will be focusing their attention on initially, are:

  • Gracechurch Street, Bank
  • Eastcheap to Leadenhall, Bank
  • Gosport Street to Hoe Street, Walthamstow
  • Hackney Road to Ball Pond Road, Dalston
  • Ladywell to Loampit Vale, Lewisham
  • Highshore Road to Heaton Road, Peckham
  • Manor Park Road/Craven Park to Manor Park Road/High Street, Harlsden
  • Kensington High Street to Notting Hill Gate, Kensington
  • Columbia Avenue to Balmoral Road, Worcester Park
  • Gatton Road to Trevelyn Road, Tooting