Transport for London (TfL) and the Energy Saving Trust (EST) have launched a new project inviting fleets to help them map out locations for a plug-in car rapid charging network in the capital.

There are currently 35 fleets already taking part in the project and TfL wants more to join in to make its research as accurate as possible.

One of the aims is to help businesses expand their use of cleaner vans and light lorries throughout Greater London. TfL is funding the project to investigate the locations for the charge points.

Business fleets operating vehicles up to 12.5 tonnes that take part will share fleet telematics and scheduling data with EST partner Route Monkey to identify the best locations for London’s business fleets.

Isuzu and Paneltex are providing data on mid-sized commercial vehicles (up to 12.5 tonnes) to help model how organisations could switch from diesel to electric powertrains.

Each participating fleet in the “Rapid Chargepoints” project will receive a tailored report showing where there is a business case for acquiring electric vehicles within their fleets.

Philip Sellwood, chief executive at the Energy Saving Trust, said: “There is a strong business case for the adoption of electric vehicles and this has been shown through our previous work with business fleets.

“These benefits are particularly prevalent in London, with TfL recognising the potential for electric vehicles supported by rapid charging infrastructure.

 “We are confident that our work through the ‘Rapid Chargepoint Mapping’ project will provide the information needed to facilitate new electric vehicle infrastructure throughout London.”

Ian Wainwright, head of the freight and fleet programmes at TfL, told BusinessCar the scheme could be rolled out to the rest of the country and would be willing to speak to other councils about reviewing potential rapid charge locations.