Transport for London has announced that from 2011 all cars emitting less than 100g/km CO2 and which also meet Euro5 standards will be eligible for a 100% discount when entering the congestion charge zone.

At present, only alternative fuel or hybrid cars are eligible for the discount which is currently worth £8 per day.

The new rule sees the Alternative Fuel Discount abolished and replaced with a Greener Vehicle Discount, which means any sub-100g/km vehicles that also meets Euro5 standards for air quality will qualify from 4 January 2011, after paying a £10 registration fee. At present, some sub-100g/km cars aren’t Euro5 compliant, so operators will need to check existing vehicle’s documentation, although Euro5 is compulsory on new cars from the beginning of 2011.

The move comes after a public consultation was carried out over the summer by TfL, which said it will monitor developments in the market and keep discount criteria under review, with the intention of reducing discount levels to 80g/km or lower “when the time is right”. The review of exemption criteria will be carried out in 2012.

The consultation also confirmed the removal of the Western Extension in time for the start of 2011.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson, said: “The people of west London had the Western Extension unfairly foisted upon them and they have now voiced their antipathy for it loud and clear on several occasions. After negotiating a testing course of several legal hurdles, I am delighted to be able to confirm that it will now be removed.”

He added: “It will be vanquished, annihilated and obliterated, with road markings literally blasted from the earth over the festive period.”

Another change to the scheme will be the introduction of an automatic payment system, CC Auto Pay, on 4 January, which TfL claims will remove the need for anybody to be fined.

However, even drivers using CC Auto Pay, will pay an increased rate, as the daily charge hikes from £8 to £9. Opt out of the auto-pay facility and the cost rises further to £10 in advance or on the day, or £12 if paid the following day.

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