A company with a fleet of 120 vehicles is said to have cut its annual insurance costs by more than £30,000 after introducing the TomTom Telematics Webfleet management system.

Zip Water UK, a drinking water appliance company with a fleet including 55 cars, is said to have seen a significant reduction in road traffic collisions.

It is using the OptiDrive 360 system that is integral to Webfleet, providing drivers with real-time feedback and advice about their performance.

Zip Water fleet manager Graham Short said: “Having the tools in place to promote a safer driving style among our drivers has led to a much-improved fleet risk profile: a 15% reduction in insurance premiums thanks to reduced claims; and provided a welcome fillip to our employee duty of care.

“Furthermore, we have seen a demonstrable improvement in fleet mpg, along with a sizeable reduction in our vehicle maintenance bills – including tyres and brake wear.”

Zip Water drivers are also using the Webfleet Logbook app on their smartphones to keep journey logs.

Rather than having to complete manual mileage sheets at the end of each day, drivers validate their journey information and select whether the trips they made were for business or personal reasons.

Short said: “The value and efficiency gains that the telematics system has delivered to our business have been considerable. 

“These have been recognised across our entire workforce – from the field to the back office.”