Topping the tables with its innovative remarketing system – Inspect Pro – is BCA. The company may be well versed in traditional approaches to remarketing, but Inspect Pro impressed us with its sensible use of technology, which adds value to both those selling cars on and those purchasing from BCA, without overcomplicating the whole process.

Fully field tested over the first half of the year, this system should be rolled out imminently with the aim of replacing antiquated paper-based systems with photo and video content as part of a fully digital end-of-lease inspection set-up. This should reduce the number of disputes over damage claims while improving customer confidence thanks to the addition of images and videos.

Making use of iPad and cloud-based tech, Inspect Pro should also prove suitably easy to use and time-efficient, automatically creating ‘splat’ diagrams, which can then be annotated to highlight any damage on cars to be sold. Central to the Inspect Pro system, however, is the use of images and video, which lets leasing companies clearly show any damage on the car, limiting the likelihood of disputes with car users and offering greater levels of transparency.

Showing the scope for this, tests of the new system saw the number of disputes over damage fall by up to 70% along with a significant drop in the amount of management time taken up dealing with disgruntled drivers.

BCA’s Inspect Pro set-up was deemed much more inventive than the other entrants in the remarketing category, with one judge commenting: “The other entries are nowhere near as innovative – the video, especially, will help the buyer know exactly what they are spending their money on, while it will help the seller dispute any false claims.”

Meanwhile, another judge stated that BCA Inspect Pro “puts technology to very good use”, smoothing out the defleet process for fleet managers. The new system’s focus on customers received approval from a third judge, who also reiterated how established technology has been successfully implemented to improve both the efficiency and accuracy of the remarketing process.