Nearly 190,000 new cars were registered to business in March, the first month of the new ’07’ number plate designation.

The total of 189,884 was 3.8% up on March 2006 and is higher than the traditionally slow months of January and February put together.

The total for the first quarter of 2007 was 326,830, 4.8% up on the first three months of 2006, compared with a retail market 1.2% up.

Chevrolet doubled its March ’06 figures, although that’s still only 856 units, and Lexus enjoyed a strong March with 64.3% growth. Audi was up 40.9% with only the A8 not up year-on-year, while Honda’s Civic was the driving force behind a 34.1% increase.

On the flip side, it was a painful month in fleet for the Koreans, with Hyundai down 24.8% and Kia down 46.7%, while the Swedes also struggled. Volvo dropped 17.5% and Saab 18.2%.

Ford (up 4.2%) topped the chart as usual, in front of Vauxhall (-0.2%), with VW, Renault and Peugeot rounding out the top five in that order, and Audi beating BMW to sixth.

Top 10 Manufacturers – March 2007
Position Manufacturer March 07 March 06 % var
1 Ford 32,049 30,753 4.2
2 Vauxhall 29,405 29,462 -0.2
3 VW 16,548 14,520 14.0
4 Renault 11,498 12,400 -7.3
5 Peugeot 11,392 11,112 2.5
6 Audi 10,408 7386 40.9
7 BMW 10,125 9828 3.0
8 Toyota 8084 7882 2.6
9 Mercedes 6270 5448 15.1
10 Citroen 6230 5930 5.1