Sheffield city council has launched a grant scheme to encourage local businesses into electric vehicles for short journeys.

The South Yorkshire Electric Vehicle project is also being rolled out across Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham councils and offers grants of up to £10,500 towards the lease cost of a plug-in van and up to £7500 for a plug-in car over a period of up to 48 months, along with £500 towards the cost of a installing a charging point. 

Leasing and fleet management firm Venson has partnered with Sheffield city council to provide vehicles through the scheme. Available models are the Nissan Leaf, Renault Zoe, Renault Twizy and Renault Kangoo van, and the programme is said to return a saving of up to 50% on the total running costs of a Leaf.

Eligible businesses have to be located within one of the aforementioned districts and are advised to contact their local council in order to join the scheme.