Transport secretary Chris Grayling has announced plans to cut the Severn Crossings tolls following the return of the bridges to public ownership.

Under the plans, the Government said the prices people pay would be greatly reduced, with the new fees expected to come into force from 2018.

The bridges – which link England and Wales – are set to come into public ownership this year once construction cost debts are repaid to Severn River Crossing PLC, the current owners operators.

Under the proposals:

. cars will pay £3 instead of £6.70

. small buses or vans will pay £3, down from £13.40

. lorries and coaches will pay £10 instead of £20

These reductions would also be passed on to frequent users who pay their tolls electronically via a device on the windscreen, with car drivers saving £65.12 a month.

The Government added it is also looking to remove the barriers allow free-flowing traffic – similar to that of the Dartford Crossing – in order to reduce congestion and journey times.

“The Government is determined to make the right decisions for Britain’s future and reducing the tolls on the Severn Crossings will cut costs for businesses, helping boost jobs and trade in Wales and across the South West,” said Grayling. “The future toll prices announced today will not only guarantee the future and safety of the crossings for generations to come but will also boost the economy whilst offering the best value for money for motorists and the taxpayer.”