Seven in 10 motorists would think twice about buying a car with a keyless entry system, to avoid being a target for car hackers, new research has suggested.

This comes after a recent spate of incidents involving criminals disabling electronic security devices that are designed to prevent car thefts.

Some car security devices are vulnerable to ‘close-range wireless communication’ attacks, where criminals clone a key’s built-in immobiliser. This means cars can be unlocked remotely, without the original key or their owners’ knowledge.

According to stolen vehicle recovery company Tracker’s poll of 500 drivers, the most popular security precaution is to fit a stolen vehicle recovery system (40%), followed by a steering wheel lock (30%), and a box covering the on-board diagnostic port (25%), which could otherwise be accessed by thieves attempting to clone a key.

“It’s encouraging to see that tracking devices are one of the most popular ways people would secure their vehicle, if it had a keyless entry system,” said Andy Barrs, police liaison officer at Tracker. 

“Although it won’t prevent hackers or theft, using a tracking device significantly increases the chances of police locating and returning a stolen vehicle.”

Barrs added: “Whilst the evolution of car technology has made everyday life easier for car owners, its sophistication is not outsmarting thieves, indeed it could be making their lives easier.”