Fewer than 3000 people were killed on British roads in 2007. The total of 2943 is 7% below 2006’s figure, and is the lowest since records began in 1926.

121 of those killed were children, a reduction of 28% on 2006’s figure.

Other figures released by the Department for Transport show that 5% fewer pedestrians 7% fewer cyclists and 2% fewer cyclists were killed compared to 2006.

The news has been welcomed by the motoring industry, but many have warned of the need to do more.

Sheila Rainger, deputy director of the RAC described the results as “a great achievement for everyone working towards safer roads”. She continued by warning that “there is no need for complacency”.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents pointed out that road deaths peaked at 9169 in 1941.

“The progress we have made since then is a tribute to road safety professionals,” said Kevin Clinton, head of road safety at RoSPA. “Technological advances in the motor industry have also played a significant role.”

The Association of British Drivers echoed this, adding: “The DfT cannot claim any responsibility for this reduction. Whilst they have pursued futile policies the manufacturers have quietly got on with the job of ensuring that the UK car fleet has become not just hugely safer year on year but also more difficult to steal.

“It is a great pity the design of our road system and policing practices haven’t followed their excellent example.”