Road charging should change to reflect how often, when and where roads are being used, according to more than half of respondents in a survey.

The Office of National Statistics research, commissioned by the Department for Transport, found that 52% thought road charging should be based on an individual’s use, while 31% disagreed with this statement.

Over half (55%) consider that a new scheme would be unfair, while a quarter thought the opposite.

However, 52% of adults said they did not think such a scheme would reduce congestion, compared with 29% who thought it would. The primary reason given for it not working was that people wouldn’t be able to change their behaviour (58%) while just over a third said people wouldn’t want to change their behaviour.

About one-fifth thought it would create congestion on the charge-free routes and a similar number felt that the alternatives were unsatisfactory.

Over a third said they would accept road pricing as long as there was no overall increase in taxation paid by motorists as a group, even if it meant some people paying more than at present. While 38% supported this statement, 34% disagreed.

If such a scheme were introduced, revenue should be spent solely on roads and transport according to almost half of adults, while one-fifth said revenues should be spent on a range of public services.

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