The RAC is predicting the busiest late May bank holiday traffic for four years thanks to the prospect of good weather over the long weekend.

Data from RAC Traffic Watch suggests 16.5 million leisure journeys will be taken by car over the weekend, a million more than last year.

Bank holiday Monday is expected to bear the brunt of the traffic, with five million journeys expected to take place, while 4.4 million  and 3.7 million trips are planned on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

The RAC’s predictions were made before the weather forecast looked promising, with sun expected over the majority of the weekend.

“The late Easter has meant there’s been something of a bank holiday bonanza this year, with up to four days off in the space of just six weeks. But that’s not stopping UK drivers from taking to the road for a leisure trip this coming weekend, especially as the weather at the start of the weekend at least is set to be dry, sunny and very warm for much of the country,” said RAC Traffic spokesman Rod Dennis. “While we’re expecting leisure journeys to reach a peak on bank holiday Monday – families setting off for a half-term trip or taking a day trip to the coast – drivers should be warned that the roads are likely to see significant congestion on Friday as getaway traffic and everyday commuter traffic combines.”

In anticipation of higher-than-normal traffic levels over the bank holiday weekend, Highways England has removed 300 miles of roadworks until the end of the bank holiday weekend.

The Government body claimed that 98% of motorways and strategic A-roads will be roadworks-free over the bank holiday weekend, while it reminded people planning to use the Dartford Crossing the fare will need to be paid in advance or by midnight the day after the crossing.