Members of the public are now able to register to take part in the UK’s first driverless car trials, which are due to take place later this year in Greenwich, south-east London.

Organised by Transport Research Laboratory, the £8m Government-backed Gateway project seeks to understand how a range of user-groups feel about the use of fully autonomous vehicles.

Those chosen to take part in the tests by TRL will ride in the driverless vehicle and then provide their views about the experience.

“The move to automated vehicles is probably the most significant change in transport since the transition from horse drawn carriages to motorised vehicles,” said Nick Reed, director at TRL and technical lead of the Gateway project.

“Testing these vehicles in a living environment takes the concept from fiction to reality. It gives the public a chance to experience what it’s like to ride in an automated vehicle and to make their own mind up as to how much they like it, trust it and could accept it as a service in the city,” he added.

 To register your interest, click here.