Escalating fuel prices and their influence on business mileage levels are increasing causes for concern among fleet managers according to GE Capital Fleet Services’ latest company car trends report.

The quarterly survey showed that the climb to over £1 a litre for diesel, and in some areas petrol, influenced company car selection to a growing extent.

90% of managers listed fuel economy as the most rapidly growing element in selecting and running company cars – up 14% on the same period last year.

Nearly the same share (88%) of those questioned claimed that fuel costs are impacting on business mileage, a 7% increase, backed by other data suggesting that home working is a growing factor in reducing distances covered by company cars.

Complementary environmental issues continue to focus business car management minds, with their importance climbing 6%. But Rich Green, GE Fleet Services managing director, was disappointed that fuel card use maintains its long-term decline. This he said restricted the amount of mileage and cost-saving data, which can be used to reduce fleets’ carbon footprints.