Fleets could soon be able to check their tyre pressures at Welcome Break service stations across the UK following the start of a pilot project at Keele Services off the M6.
The free tyre pressure checking service from Wheelright works by cars or vans driving over a sensor without stopping. The results are available automatically on a touchscreen or paper print-out. Should tyres require immediate attention, drivers will be able to use the nearby air compressors at Keele services. Drivers need to know their correct tyre pressures in order to know how badly underinflated they are, and what pressure they should be inflated to.
The pilot is being run in partnership with Highways England, and Wheelright is feeding back anonymous information on tyre pressures to the agency to see how big an issue underinflated tyres are.
The pilot will run for three months and will help determine whether Welcome Break will install the service across its 28 sites in the UK.
John Catling, Wheelright’s chief executive, said he is exploring installing the technology at fleet depots, fuel forecourts and at other service stations.