BusinessCar’s benefit-in-kind company car tax table showing CO2 bandings from tax-year 2009/10 through to tax-year 2012/13.

Benefit-in-kind CO2 bands by tax year
% of P11D price 2009/10 g/km 2010/11 g/km 2011/12 g/km 2012/13g/km
10 120 120 120 sub-100
11 n/a n/a n/a 100
12 n/a n/a n/a 105
13 n/a n/a n/a 110
14 n/a n/a n/a 115
15 135 130 125 120
16 140 135 130 125
17 145 140 135 130
18 150 145 140 135
19 155 150 145 140
20 160 155 150 145
21 165 160 155 150
22 170 165 160 155
23 175 170 165 160
24 180 175 170 165
25 185 180 175 170
26 190 185 180 175
27 195 190 185 180
28 200 195 190 185
29 205 200 195 190
30 210 205 200 195
31 215 210 205 200
32 220 215 210 205
33 225 220 215 210
34 230 225 220 215
35 235 230 225 220
Add 3% for diesels up to a max of 35% (post 2012 unconfirmed)