Businesses can expect changes to the country’s transport agenda after a cabinet reshuffle that saw transport secretary Justine Greening replaced by Patrick McLoughlin. Greening is now secretary of state for international development.

The move sparked fears that Greening was ousted for opposing the controversial third runway at Heathrow, which affects her constituents as MP for Putney.

McLoughlin also takes on the contentious debate surrounding a high-speed rail line between London and Birmingham, which was supported by some Conservatives including Greening, but contested by many others.

Meanwhile, the new transport secretary will be under pressure to try to limit next January’s planned 6.2% average rise in regulated rail fares, which include season tickets, following Greening’s successful attempts earlier this year to reduce the fare rise.

He will also need to address issues including potentially raising motorway speed limits.

McLoughlin, the MP for Derbyshire Dales, was parliamentary under-secretary of state at the DfT from 1989 to 1992. He became chief whip in May 2010 before being appointed transport secretary.

Theresa Villiers, formerly minister of state at the DfT, became Northern Ireland secretary in the reshuffle.

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