A new study from insurance provider More Than has found that 62% of drivers regularly ignore speed limit signs, while 25% said that the threat of a speed awareness course isn’t a big enough deterrent.

To mark this year’s Road Safety Week, More Than is calling for images of car accidents to be used as visual accompaniments to speed signs to make people more aware of the risks of their actions.

More Than tested the new speed sign concept on 2,000 motorists and over half (58%) of those surveyed said it would potentially have a real impact on their driving.

More Than also carried out research to provide a fuller picture of how people’s speeding habits vary across the UK. Specifically, the study found that 63% of British drivers admit to regularly exceeding the speed limit each day, with one in ten of those confessing to having picked up points in the past as a result of being caught speeding.

Other key findings from the study include:

  • 14% of those that speed admitted to having picked up a fine in the last five years
  • One in 10 of those (11%) have paid in excess of £250 over the same time period in fines
  • 15% have attended a speed awareness course to avoid having points put on their licence
  • 2% of those polled confessed to having had their licence revoked as a result of repeated past offences
  • 3% have been involved in an accident as a result of speeding.

 Kenny Leitch, global connected insurance director at More Than, said: “While it may sound like a particularly radical idea to introduce visual deterrents alongside speed limit signs, our early research has shown that the adoption of a ‘cigarette-pack approach’ could be another way to tap into the human motivations that can promote good driving and prevent speeding.”