Proposals from Nottingham City Council to charge up to £350 a year for employees to park at work have received a boost after the council’s executive board has decided to go ahead with the scheme.

Any company with more than 10 staff parking spaces will be subject to the charges, starting at £185 per space in 2010 and rising to £350 in 2014. Whether the cost is absorbed by the company or paid for by the employee is down to the individual employer.

Exemptions to the charge are expected for disabled parking, motorcycles, display vehicles on a forecourt, deliveries and fleet or pool vehicles not used for commuting.

All businesses with company parking in Nottingham will have to apply for the licence whether they qualify for the charge or not. Enforcement is likely to come from CCTV cameras, spot checks and number plate registration systems.

Jason Gooding, a project manager for the scheme, said the emphasis will be on encouraging companies to comply with the plans rather than punishing those who don’t.

Up to eight other counties are said to be considering a similar scheme.