The Highways Agency has launched a new DVD aimed at putting an end to tailgating.

‘Don’t Be a Fool’ is presented by BBC newsreader Sophie Raworth and hopes to educate drivers about the dangers of driving too close to the car in front, a factor in a third of road accidents, according to the HA, which will also be exhibiting at BusinessCar Live in September.

“Whilst we have the safest roads in Europe, more can be done to prevent incidents and drivers have their part to play,” said the HA’s safety action plan co-ordinator Stuart Lovatt. “Our advice is simple. Don’t be a fool. Follow the two second rule.”

The HA advises drivers to pick a roadside landmark such as a bridge or road sign and count two seconds from when the car in front passes it. If they also pass it in that time, then they’re too close to the vehicle ahead.

The new DVD is available from police forces, fire and rescue services, local safety partnerships and other road safety education bodies.