In an exclusive interview with BusinessCar, newly elected ACFO chairman Julie Jenner has said she wants to show the “softer face of ACFO” and break the impression of an organisation lead by “faceless people held in a hierarchical system”.

Speaking just two days into the job, Jenner said she was keen to be seen by members as moving the fleet organisation forward and leading “approachable people” who are “knowledgeable and active within the industry”.

Jenner, a solutions manager for leasing giant GE Commercial Finance Fleet Services, stressed the need to “develop a close relationship between the directors and national councils”.

“There should be a two-way flow of information – there can’t be any impression of secret meetings being held behind closed doors.”

To help achieve this greater flow of information is an all-new website that will be presented to members at the national council meeting on 28 September. Following a week’s consultation, the site will progress towards a launch before the end of the year, offering ACFO members a greater voice and the ability to contact directors directly.

“From now on people don’t have to go through Stewart Whyte (ACFO director) to contact a director – there will be a direct contact route through the website.”

The website will also play a pivotal role in an all-new marketing campaign that sees innovative techniques employed to boost membership.

“In the future we might see free membership offered through car manufacturers, for example, buy 20 Fords today and receive ACFO membership. We’re also looking at ways to retain memberships too.”

For the first time the business car association will set out to target those sharing the management of a company fleet, who have been neglected by campaigns.

Jenner also paid respects for “all the good work” done by her predecessor who suddenly stepped down from the role in July for personal reasons.

“Tony Leigh will be a hard act to follow, but now it is time for a different view on the way things can move forward.”

“We’ve got so many new ideas and avenues to explore,” added Jenner.