A cross-party group of MPs has attacked the Department for Transport for failing to improve green transport in the UK.

The House of Commons Transport Committee reviewed the DfT’s annual report, published today, and called for the Government to look again at road pricing as a way of dealing with congestion.

Transport Committee chairman Louise Ellman said: “The Department must be clear about identifying its main priorities and showing how progress can be measured. It must demonstrate more clearly how it is addressing the [environmental] Stern and Eddington reports so that environmental and economic targets can be achieved.”

The committee expressed disappointing at the DfT’s failure to deliver on road congestion targets and also that the Government has no plans to assess the risks of first generation biofuels in the short term.

Away from green matters the committee also called for the Government to reinstate targets for reducing the number of illicit road users, those without tax or insurance, which were dropped in March 2007. The DfT’s annual report showed this group had increased to 5% last year, up from 3.6% of road users in 2006.