Monmouth MP David Davies and the Institute of Advanced Motorists are calling on the Government to change its policy on the two-hour free parking limit enforced at motorway service areas.
The MP wants longer hours set before parking charges apply, as it will mean tired drivers would not have to pay to rest while making a long journey.

Davies has suggested some tired drivers opt to go back onto the road after the free parking period to avoid paying “hefty fines” or parking charges that are imposed by the private operators of the service areas.
The Department for Transport’s Think campaign suggests 20% of accidents on major roads are sleep related and that sleep-related accidents are more likely than others to result in a fatality.
The IAM said it would like to see the Government’s motorway regular breaks campaign receive financial backing.
“Charging large amounts of money to park could be increasing the risk of accidents caused by driver fatigue,” said Davies.

“This is profiteering plain and simple. There is no justification whatsoever for making a charge. It is bad enough that motorists pay over the odds to buy a coffee or snack at a service station without the worry of paying vast charges for taking forty winks,” he said.