Eight out of 10 company car drivers believe that motorway journey times are becoming harder to predict thanks to roadworks and congestion, according to new research from the RAC – up from the seven out of 10 recorded in the same survey last year – while 15% said congestion and traffic journey times is their most pressing concern, ahead of the cost of fuel, the environmental impact of driving, and the lack of parking spaces.

Nearly half (46%) said congestion and traffic times are some of the biggest motoring problems they face currently, and seven out of 10 said more needs to be done to reduce congestion. Just over half claimed they would be willing to pay additional motoring taxes if the added revenues was ring-fenced to improve roads.

Last year, 42% said they would support paying extra taxes in order to improve roads.

In terms of how road budgets should be used up, a quarter said maintenance of local roads should be prioritised, while 18% believe targeted improvements on motorways are vital. Another 12% claimed that maintenance of both motorway and major roads is needed.

“While the last five years have seen the biggest investment programme on the strategic road network for almost a generation, it is clear that we still have a long way to go,” said Jenny Powley, corporate business sales director at RAC Business. “UK businesses are being affected every day by congestion and delays.”

“We would urge the chancellor, Phillip Hammond, to listen to the voice of the business community, which is crying out for more money to be invested in Britain’s motorways and trunk roads,” she added. “Encouragingly, the chancellor hinted that he might address road investment in his upcoming Autumn Statement. He recently spoke of investing in ‘genuine productivity-enhancing infrastructure; and one thing is for sure, our roads fit this criteria.”