Of the one-quarter of drivers who say they’ve received a parking fine in the past year, 69% claim they were unfairly punished, according to a survey by Esure car insurance

However, this might be down to the fact that, as the survey reveals, 74% of motorists do not recognise all of the Highway Code’s parking rules.

Interestingly, 60% of motorists feel the authorities are against them, and believe that some parking signs are deliberately misleading.

Despite the high numbers of motorists that have received tickets, only 48% have challenged a decision they felt was unfair. Just over one-in-five have actually received a refund.

Mike Pickard of Esure car insurance said: “If you don’t think a parking penalty was fair then take the time to contest it. Refer to the terms of the Road Traffic Act and keep a copy of the Highway code in your glove box as a reference.”