New research indicates that 2.2 million UK motorists who drive as part of their jobs are regularly under the influence of drink or drugs.

A survey of more than 1,000 drivers, conducted by Opinium for mobile workforce technology company BigChange, found that 9% of people who drive for work in the UK do so after consuming alcohol or illegal drugs at least once a week, while 3% do this every day. 

The research, published as part of the Leaders for Life road safety campaign, found that younger drivers were the worst offenders, with 25% of 18-34 year olds admitting to driving under the influence once a week, and 10% every day.

Geographically, drivers from London came out as the worst in the UK, with 26% of at-work drivers under the influence each week.

BigChange CEO Martin Port said: “The findings of our research are truly astonishing.

“Any driver who takes to the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs creates unacceptable levels of risk to the public, and our research suggests that more than two million people who are trusted to drive as part of their jobs are putting lives on the line by doing this every week.” 

“With the added risk of Christmas party season upon us, business leaders must take sensible steps to ensure they’re not inadvertently making it more likely that their people are taking to the roads while under the influence.”

According to Leaders for Life, there are steps managers can take to reduce the risk around Christmas parties. These include providing transport, using a venue that is easily accessible by public transport, or considering subsidising hotel accommodation so people don’t feel tempted to drive home.

Managers are also advised not to schedule early-morning appointments the day after a party.

More generally, managers are advised to take care not to hire people with a history of driving under the influence, and to be clear about expectations and set good leadership examples.