Yorkshire and Leicester business leaders have joined the long list of organisations slamming the proposed Workplace Parking Levy in Nottingham.

The Yorkshire and Humber Chamber of Commerce has stated it is “totally opposed to the possible extension of workplace parking levies as in Nottingham”.

Meanwhile, Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce has said the scheme is “essentially an increase in business rates”.

The Yorkshire bosses went on to say that such a charge would have a damaging effect on business, and claimed that such a charge would “not tackle the driver behaviour at the root of our transport problems”.

The business leaders said they were worried that the rejection of a congestion charge in Manchester would lead more authorities to go for the ‘politically easier’ parking levy.

“This is totally unacceptable and under no circumstances should local authorities be forced by Government to promote such levies to fund their local transport plans,” they said.

Leicester transport bosses are considering introducing such a parking charging scheme.

Patrick Kitterick, Leicester city council cabinet member for transport, said he would be watching the Nottingham system.

“There are three key tests – it must not damage the city economy, must raise enough funds for significant public transport improvements and must cut congestion,” he said.

“If it passes those , we will look at it seriously.”

Leicestershire’s Chamber of Commerce reportedly responded by saying: “Our members have made it absolutely clear that they are against the workplace parking levy.

“In Nottingham they have a tram, which this will pay towards. What would a workplace parking levy pay for in Leicester?”