Mazda is rolling out its business development programme for sub-50 fleets to a further 20 franchised dealerships.

The carmaker launched the scheme with 19 dealerships earlier this year and claims it has already generated more than 200 orders for company cars.

By the end of the programme’s first 12 months in April 2011, Mazda expects to have taken 820 orders from small fleets.

The scheme involves dealers working alongside an outsourced specialist sales team.

The first phase of the initiative focused on large groups with well established fleet operations. Phase two aims to take in single-site urban-based businesses as well to develop local fleet business.

Mazda fleet boss Peter Allibon said: “The feedback from the first wave of dealers has been positive. They are delighted that a vehicle manufacturer is working with them to develop fleet business. As a result, more dealers are now approaching us to join the programme.”

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