Licence Check has added a new interactive coaching module for drivers within its Davis platform, delivered via a new app.

The company describes Davis Coaching, which replaces its existing E-Learning module, as an interactive learning and development service, which allows drivers to complete training remotely (via app or browser) at a time convenient to them.

Fleet and other line managers can view ratings of drivers as ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘watch’, or ‘action’ based upon their responses and willingness to learn.

The programme is said to be fully customisable, so businesses can control the frequency and timing of the training and weight the content according to drivers’ vehicle type.

There is also the option to integrate telematics data, so drivers receive responsive content based on real driving behaviour.

Managers also have the option to integrate licence check results, enabling the platform to trigger endorsement-related content where new endorsements have appeared on driver records, such as speed awareness and distracted driving,

Licence Check managing director Keith Allen said: “Davis Coaching delivers meaningful and relevant content to enable continuous learning for drivers, which we believe is far more effective at improving driver attitude and behaviour and addressing an employer’s duty of care.

“Drivers will be able to see their individual coaching scores, which are based on both knowledge and willingness to learn, and, within a feature we are calling ‘glove box’, will have access to important company documents, such as fleet and driving policy, and contact numbers.

“We firmly believe that short bursts of relevant educational content are much more effective in improving information retention and encouraging willingness to learn amongst drivers, compared with a more traditional annual assessment.”