HM Revenue and Customs has published the latest advisory fuel rates, due to be implemented from 1 September.

Four changes have been made compared with the rates issued on 1 March, with diesel and LPG-powered vehicles over 2,000cc receiving a 1ppm reduction, while petrol and LPG vehicles with between 1,401cc and 2,000cc also seeing the same decrease.

The rates apply to all journeys made on or after 1 September until further notice.  However, for one month from the date of change, employers may choose to use either the previous or new rates.

Since March 2011 the rates have been reviewed four times a year. HMRC will no longer consider changing the rates – outside of the four scheduled reviews – unless fuel prices fluctuate by more than 5% from the published rates. 

The new rates are as follows.


1600cc  or  less: 9p (no change)

1601cc  to  2000cc: 11p (no change)

Over  2000cc: 12p (down by 1p)


1400cc  or  less: 11p (no change)

1401cc  to  2000cc: 13p (down by 1p)

Over  2000cc: 21p (down by 1p)


1400cc  or  less: 7p (no change)

1401cc  to  2000cc: 8p (down by 1p)

Over  2000cc: 13p (down by 1p)