Heathrow Airport will install more than 135 electric vehicle chargers to cater for its fleet of at least 260 electric vehicles in a new £2m plan to ‘turn Heathrow electric’.

As part of the plan, Heathrow aims to replace a number of vehicles used around the airport to reduce noise and pollution and “help make Heathrow the most environmentally responsible hub airport”.

The west London airport currently has a fleet of 400 vehicles, and invested £250,000 in electric vehicle charging infrastructure last year.

Meanwhile, Heathrow confirmed it will launch a car-sharing app for its 76,000 employees this quarter, as part of a blueprint to reduce traffic noise and emissions at the airport. It also confirmed it would pilot and roll out employee commuter plans to help workers reach the airport more effectively.

Heathrow currently provides 21 electric vehicle chargers to passengers for free in short-stay car parks.