Britain’s biggest and busiest airport, Heathrow, has taken on 17 Nissan Leafs as it aims to reduce its carbon footprint.

According to the west London hub, 12 vehicles will be operated airside by teams including security and baggage, and another five will be used as pool cars. The move is part of a plan to ensure that by 2020 all cars and vans in Heathrow’s fleet will be fully electric or plug-in hybrid.

In addition, Heathrow is encouraging third parties that operate vehicles airside to go electric. It wants a third of the 8,000 airside-licensed third-party vehicles to have zero emissions.

“We are aiming to establish Heathrow as a world-leading airport in reducing emissions from all sources of activity,” said Peter Leeming, head of operational strategy at Heathrow. “A key part of this is by targeting the conversion of 100% of Heathrow’s cars and small vans to electric or plug-in hybrid by 2020, with ultra-low emission standards for all airside vehicles to follow by 2025.

“We trialled the Nissan Leaf and found it was the perfect fit for many of our teams and the types of journeys they make. The trial went seamlessly, and within months we placed our order and put the Leaf into full time service.” 

Darren Payne, sales director at Nissan, said: “We are delighted to be supporting Heathrow Airport as it takes such a positive step towards changing the culture of vehicle usage onsite and improving its sustainability. I’m sure this initiative will inspire other businesses to follow Heathrow’s lead by using Nissan’s electric vehicles to both reduce their emissions and cut their running costs.”