Driver safety and fuel efficiency firm GreenRoad has signed up as a strategic partner with RoadSafe, which manages the Driving for Better Business Campaign.

The two organisations will now work together on activities to promote better driver decision making to improve safety and fuel efficiency. These will include a workshop on good practice in managing company car drivers to be held in London on 30 June.

GreenRoad will also sponsor a Prince Michael International road safety award to recognise an operator using technology to improve fleet safety.

Roadsafe’s aim is to reduce road deaths through building partnerships between the motor industry and related companies.

RoadSafe director Adrian Walsh said: “GreenRoad’s customers such as the Ministry of Defence, Bunzl, Iron Mountain and Balfour Beattyhave cut risk by as much as 93% by changing driver behaviour, making the road and drivers safer while also reducing insurance premiums, fuel consumption and vehicle wear and tear.”

He added: “Occupational road risk management is about employers proactively managing their at-work drivers more effectively to achieve legal compliance and improve productivity and make financial savings.”

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