Transport minister Sadiq Khan has announced a clampdown on rogue parking firms by forcing them to sign up to a “strict” code of conduct before allowing them access to the DVLA data needed to issue fines.

The Government is specifically targeting rogue firms and landowners that unfairly clamp vehicles or demand extortionate payments.

“Where drivers break legitimate conditions set by landowners then it is right that penalties are applied,” said Khan. “But we will not tolerate unscrupulous firms breaking the law by overcharging or intimidating motorists.”

The move will be followed later this year by the result of Home Office consultation into forcing clamping firms to join a compulsory licensing system that would see them regulated by Security Industry Authority.

The consultation is also to deal with the specific issues of excessive penalties for clamped cars, vehicles being impounded unreasonably quickly after being clamped, inadequate signage and inadequate processes for dealing with complaints.