The Government has published its long-awaited draft whitepaper on improving air quality in the UK.

According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the document details a list of measures “which are designed to reduce the impact of diesel vehicles and accelerate the move to cleaner transport.”

The Government has opened a consultation on these measures which runs until 15 June. The final air quality action plan must be published by 31 July.

According to Defra, “local authorities are already responsible for improving air quality in their area” and will “now be expected to develop new and creative solutions to reduce emissions as quickly as possible.”

The draft whitepaper focuses on Clean Air Zones, something Defra has been mooting for a while.

According to the document, the minimum standard for vehicles to not be charged for entering the zones is Euro 6 for diesel cars and vans and Euro 4 for petrol vehicles. It added that “ultra-low emission vehicles with significant zero-emission range will never be charged for entering or moving through a Clean Air Zone.”

At present, no levels of charging have been published; they are due to be set “at a later date”, but it is likely the framework may ape that of the forthcoming London Ultra-Low Emission Zone which will charge drivers of non-compliant vehicles £12.50 on top of the £11.50 daily Congestion Charge.

However, Clean Air Zones proposals “are not required to include a charging zone.”

The framework also notes that local authorities procuring vehicles for use inside the zones must ensure the vehicles conform to the standards, while it added authorities will need to develop incentives to encourage employees to address their impact on air quality.

In addition, the framework dictates that authorities will need to work with businesses and SMEs “to help them understand their options for adapting to a Clean Air Zone”, which includes encouraging employees to use public transport and/or car clubs to reduce pollution.

Businesses will also be advised to partake in recognition schemes, such as the Go Ultra Company project and the FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme) to prove their environmental credentials.

Incentives, such as lower business rates, could also be applied to those businesses which demonstrate “strong commitment and action in support of the ambitions of a Clean Air Zone.”

Other incentives mentioned include councils providing lower parking fees for ULEVs and preferential delivery bays for businesses with ultra-low emission vans.

“It appears the Government has abdicated responsibility for reducing air pollution to local authorities. If any issue needs tackling on a national – and international – level, it’s this one. We have a national health emergency, and the Government is kicking the issue into the long grass,” said Gary Rae, campaigns director for road safety charity Brake.

Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive, said, “SMMT welcomes the publication of government’s proposals for improving air quality across the UK, which clearly states that the new Euro 6 diesels which have been on sale for the past two years will not face any penalty charges anywhere in the UK.”

To respond to the consultation, click here.