The Freight Transport Association has called on politicians to build a more efficient transport network to help move out of the recession.

Rather than a massive road building programme, the FTA wants political backing for greater use of rail and sea to create more road space. “We support the calls from politicians to put more freight on rail, not least to free up road capacity for those businesses that have no choice but to use them,” said FTA director of policy James Hookham. “Serious infrastructure investment and improvement cannot be sorted out in four or five years, which tends to be the focus for most politicians, who always have their eye on the next general election. Instead of wondering whether it will be they or their political opponents who get to cut the ribbon on an improved stretch of road or new port, they need to be thinking about the ongoing economic interests of the country.”

The FTA will be taking its opinions to the three main political parties’ annual conferences with a view to getting it put onto election manifestos.