New fleet management tools have been launched by Fleet Service Great Britain (FSGB).

Three new services – Events Scheduler, Bespoke Categorisation and Proactive Service, Maintenance and Repair – are available online through FSGB’s fleet management system, while a fourth, Rental Check Sheets, is an enhancement to FSGB’s Driver App.

Event Scheduler provides customers with an online overview of ‘planned events’ such as servicing and scheduled MOT dates, oil change and cam belt replacement during the fleet life of any vehicle, and looks for ways to save costs by scheduling maintenance tasks together.

Bespoke Categorisation allows FSGB customers to easily identify all vehicles that perform a certain operational function or have a customised feature via a series of standardised categories, which enable customers to split out management information based on their own requirements.

Proactive Service, Maintenance and Repair is designed to help managers and drivers comply with manufacturer service schedules and MOT requirements by alerting them to upcoming work.

Rental Check Sheets alerts drivers to complete checks when a vehicle is delivered to avoid any disputes over its condition at the end of the rental period.

FSGB head of sales Marcus Bray said: “FSGB’s IT solutions come from working hand-in-hand with customers and listening to the issues and problems that they face on a daily basis.

“Using the experience and knowledge of our employees gained over many years of working in the fleet management sector, we can identify, develop and deliver solutions.”

FSGB launched in 2015 and currently manages nearly 7,000 cars and commercial vehicles.