Top tips to help fleet managers get the best out of their drivers are being offered by a new guide.
‘Effective Driver Management – An Industry Code of Practice’ was created by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport’s (CILT) Transport and Logistics Safety Forum, in consultation with the wider transport industry, and was jointly produced with FORS Professional, the training umbrella of voluntary accreditation scheme FORS, and Transport for London (TfL).
A FORS spokesperson said: “The new guide has been designed to provide driver agencies and operators of all sizes with practical guidelines on areas such as how to handle the initial recruitment process, how to retain and engage current drivers, and how to effectively manage performance.”
FORS says the guide, which contains advice and best practice as well as case studies from operators on apprenticeship schemes, will also help operators with the FORS Gold requirement ‘G7 Strategy for recruiting new drivers’, and is provided free of charge to FORS members.
Forum chairman Dean Clamp, Wincanton Group HSEQ director, said: “The forum exists to raise standards of safety across the industry and to drive scalable best practice in a way that is inclusive and useful to all.
“We are on a journey that will see collisions/incidents reduce by constantly engaging with industry and driving technology.”
TfL’s Sam Weller said: “Drivers play a fundamental role both in the transport sector and the wider economy.
“They are often working alone for long periods and in challenging conditions where delivery schedules are becoming increasingly stringent.
“We believe the driving community should be better recognised as a highly skilled and valued element within the supply chain, benefiting from effective management to ensure retention and productivity, and to enhance the image of road transport in general.”
By Sean Keywood