More than two thirds of UK drivers expect the speed limiters, which are set to be mandatory in new cars from 2022, to be turned off on every journey. 

A survey conducted by CLM Fleet Management found that 68% expected the intelligent speed assistance systems to be overridden.

In addition, just under half of drivers thought the plan – to be imposed by the European Commission, but expected to also affect cars sold in the UK despite Brexit – was a bad idea, while 57% thought the limiters would be excessively controlling. 

The survey found 54% of respondents said they would avoid buying a car with a speed limiter entirely.

CLM has therefore warned that fleet managers should take into account driver sentiment over the systems to avoid withdrawals from company car schemes and to maintain trust.

CLM managing director John Lawrence said: “Intelligent speed assistance has some clear benefits, not only from a safety perspective, but also when it comes to licence preservation. 

“However, for fleet managers looking to implement the technology our findings suggest it could be a difficult path ahead. Forcing the technology on drivers could prompt a backlash and damage fleet engagement. 

“If this technology is to be successful, firms should consider a period of driver communication and consultation. This will allow them to both understand concerns and promote the potential benefits.”